Many Americans Don’t Do Enough to Protect Their Family’s Financial Future.

The odds of winning the Mega Millions or Powerball lotteries are 1 in 175 million [1]; however, the lifetime odds of dying in a motor vehicle crash [2] or dying from a lightning strike [3] are much higher. Nevertheless, many people are pressing their luck by failing to take adequate steps to protect what they value most—their families. The results from a recent survey by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and Anthem Life Insurance Company show only 63 percent of Americans have life insurance to protect their family’s financial needs and well-being.
September is Life Insurance Awareness month, and the survey reveals some of the areas where consumers may not be prepared to protect the things that are important to them – including protecting their family’s financial future after the death of a family member.
The good news, according to this survey, is that many consumers (75 percent) are saving their money. Of this group, their approach to savings includes strategies such as having multiple income streams (47 percent) and even avoiding daily temptations like eating out (28 percent). However, most Americans are making it month by month, with 24 percent saying they have no savings and could not pay necessary bills without their income, and only 25 percent reporting that they could pay their families’ bills for more than a year.
“Providing financial security is the primary purpose of life insurance,” At Financial411we’re focused on making sure our products and services give people a sense of emotional support, as well as financial security. Besides providing typical life insurance, we also provide consumers with innovative services and programs that help them when they need it most. These value-add programs include beneficiary companion services to help family members close accounts and finalize their loved one’s estate, grief counseling, services that help promote better health and well-being, identity theft recovery services, access to discounts on products, as well as an activity book to help children who recently lost a loved one adjust to their loss.”
The survey also showed that family is a priority for Americans. So, besides playing the lottery, how are Americans protecting their family’s financial wellbeing? Nearly all survey respondents (97 percent) said “I would do anything to protect my family’s safety and security.” Other results show that while nearly 90 percent have health insurance (87 percent), close to 40 percent of all consumers (37 percent) lack life insurance which is a necessity when it comes to protecting your family; something that almost all Americans say is important to them (97 percent).
“Losing a family member is devastating,” This is usually a hard time emotionally and financially for families. In addition, when you lose a family member, you may also lose income. As one of the nation’s leading benefit companies, we realize that a family’s emotional and financial well-being are key factors in helping them recover after losing a family member.
It may surprise you to learn that Life Insurance is not nearly as expensive as one might think. In Fact, a healthy 40 yr old Male can purchase a $500,000 policy for as little as $23.00 a month.
When you break it down, you realize that the cost to protect your family can be as small as .75 Cents a day. And, there's even better news . . .
Just by owning this policy you can guarantee your eligibility to protect yourself against the high cost of a heart attack, stroke, cancer and even a chronic illness (comparable to Long Term Care)
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