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Paying Taxes during Retirement!

Paying taxes during retirement is a huge concern that is generally not considered when advisors are planning for your retirement. However, for our clients, it ranks high on our list of factors.  While many advisors focus only on how to accumulate or grow assets, how, when, and where you save and then distribute your assets as an income can be equal if not more important than how many (gross dollars) you'll have in your account. 

Have you ever heard the expression... "Less is More?  If not, you should. The growth of your account values is important, but if they're taxable, or if they cause an additional tax on other assets, it may actually be costing you more than you know.   Here's a quick FYI...

Did you know that pulling $1.00 too much from a 401K or IRA during retirement can cause an additional $1.85 in taxes? Not so good huh?  Well, just imagine doing that over and over again and how much of your hard-earned savings could vanish without the proper structure for distribution back to you as an income.  

With constant changes in tax brackets, rules, and government limitations.  it can be nearly impossible to plan for just how much you’ll end up paying to Uncle Sam during your retirement. However, there is an option that allows you to create a tax-free stream of income during your retirement — and it’s not a Roth IRA. 

While a Roth IRA does allow you to withdraw money tax-free, there are many limits and imposed restrictions that can make it difficult to accumulate all the assets you'll need to provide you with sustainable tax-free income to last your lifetime.

What we are referring to, is a front-load strategy that is designed to relieve the heavy burden on you of paying taxes during retirement in addition to leaving a tax-free benefit to your spouse or children. 

Plus even with the volatility of the market, you can rest easy knowing 100% of your values will be protected. Not ONE CENT Lost to market declines. You will earn credit as the market goes up, but you’ll never lose as the market goes down. And if at any time you change your mind, you can access all or a portion of your cash values, even after withdrawing tax-free income.  

If you have any questions or would like to determine if you can qualify to shift a portion of your portfolio in this flexible and powerful tool for wealth management, please give us a call at 1-877-529-6543


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