1-844-435-SAFE (7223)

1-844-435-SAFE (7233)
Take The Hassle Out Of Healthcare
Access A Doctor When You NEED It Most!
Did you know that you can now talk with a "board-certified" doctor at any time of the day by phone or on the internet? Without waiting for an appointment, driving to an office, clinic, or emergency room - and without payment or claim forms? Watch this short video to learn how.
Save up to $60 a Year Every Year When You Enroll with the Code:
4 Easy Steps to Receive Virtual Care Immediately
Patient calls or logs on to their member portal to schedule a consultation with a physician licensed in their state.
Member speaks to a Care Coordinator who will triage and update the patient’s Electronic Health Record(EHR) along with all symptoms.
Member consults with Physician who recommends a treatment plan. If a prescription is necessary, it’s sent to the pharmacy of your choice
The doctor will update the member’s EHR immediately after the consultation. The patient has 24/7 secure access to their member portal
Just ONE LOW MONTHLY fee Covers up to 8 People in the Entire HOUSEHOLD - including Grandparents!
Mutliple Cost Savings
Cost Containment Productivity Flexible Implementation
Telemedicine costs less than a co-pay. Re-directing unnecessary visits can reduce healthcare costs by up to 25%
Telemedicine gives patients easy access to a physician, reducing the risk that medical problems become chronic.
Telemedicine can be implemented any time of the year with minimal hassle. There are no waiting periods or exclusions.
When is the right time?
Financial planning needs?

Let's Connect Today
1-844-435-SAFE (7233)